Welcome to Your Union
Building a Better Life Together.
It is our honor and privilege to welcome you to UFCW Local 880, an inclusive, member-driven union in Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania representing more than 20,000 hardworking people. As a part of our union family, you’re now connected to a powerful network of support, advocacy and resources designed to enhance your work life and beyond. We are committed to fighting for fair wages, safe working conditions and strong benefits for every member, together.

Having a union means having a voice in Your Hours Your Wages Your Healthcare Your Safety
Your UnionContract
In a non-union workplace, the employer makes all the rules. They may listen to their employees, but they aren’t bound to act on their suggestions. The power to make decisions starts and ends with the employer. But in a unionized workplace, the rules are a product of negotiation, with the union advocating for workers and the employer advocating for the company’s best interests.
Your union speaks with one voice for all the employees covered by a particular contract, or a “bargaining unit.” The union is legally obligated to represent the collective interests of the bargaining unit. When we talk about your “union contract,” that means that the rules outlined have been negotiated and agreed upon by both the union and the employer. These aren’t just any rules — they’re ones the majority of your fellow union members in the bargaining unit have voted on and ratified.

It can be intimidating to confront your manager one-on-one when dealing with a work issue, especially if you work together every day. Instead of speaking up, many people choose to let problems go.
You’re never alone in the union — with union representation and a written contract, you always have someone to reach out to who can help you get workplace issues resolved.
Your contract also clearly outlines the benefits you are entitled to.
Your union contract typically covers the basics like wages, hours, raises, scheduling, working conditions, benefits like your pension and healthcare, safeguards against favoritism and processes for discipline and termination. You and your fellow workers may suggest other issues you feel are important. You have a voice in the process!
Yes! Thanks to decades of successful negotiations, our members earn some of the highest wages and benefits in their industries. They enjoy good, safe working conditions, and when a dispute or misunderstanding occurs between an employee and the employer, it is resolved in a grievance procedure that guarantees a fair hearing without fear of intimidation or retaliation. Collectively, we are stronger than we are alone!
One of the biggest benefits of a union contract is protection against arbitrary and unjust treatment or discipline. Union contracts outline a dispute resolution process that provides a mechanism to enforce the contract and to protect you. The union can file grievances and meet with management to resolve issues and pursue an arbitration process, where a neutral third party decides whether or not the contract was violated or the employee treated unjustly.
The Executive Board is Local 880's governing body. It is made up of members just like you. During its monthly meetings, the Executive Board reviews reports from the union's officers, examines the union's financial statements and votes on many important issues that provide direction to the union. The Executive Board oversees the running of the union. Meet our Executive Board here!
The President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recorder and the Executive Board are all elected by the membership.
The President of Local 880, Miles Anderson, is responsible for its day-to-day operation. President Anderson chairs the Executive Board and makes sure the union is meeting the needs of the membership. He is also a trustee of the Health and Welfare and Pension funds and a trustee of the Scholarship Fund. He is also committed to developing leaders who assist in running the union.
The President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recorder and the Executive Board are all elected by the membership.
The Secretary-Treasurer of Local 880, Carl Green, is responsible for overseeing the administration and finances of the union and for providing the Executive Board and the membership with regular financial and expenditure statements.
The President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recorder and the Executive Board are all elected by the membership.
Your union rep will visit your workplace regularly to make sure your employer is living up to the provisions of your contract. Your rep will also take the necessary steps to provide assistance and solve problems, especially in the dispute resolution, or grievance, procedure.
Your Local 880 Union Reps come from the stores and facilities we represent. They understand the nature of your job and work hard to protect your rights, support members in need of assistance and campaign alongside our members for better working practices.
As union members, we are all responsible for advocating respect and justice on the job and making sure we stick up for each other.
Some members choose to take a more active role as stewards in their workplaces. Stewards have demonstrated leadership abilities and accepted an appointment to enforce our contract and to make sure our coworkers know their rights. They accompany other workers at disciplinary hearings and are entitled to represent union issues as equals with management.
Your union steward is your representative in the workplace, and Local 880 has some of the best in the labor movement.
Being part of our union family means contributing to its strength and operations. Just like any organization committed to serving its members, there are operational costs involved. The contributions made by our members as “dues” are invested right back into the union to fund negotiations, member services, dispute resolution and more. Dues help ensure that we can grow, remain strong and effectively serve our membership. Think of your dues not just as a cost, but as an investment in our collective power and your security in the workplace.
HowYour UnionWorks
How can IGet Involved in the Union?

Getting actively involved in your union is one of the most powerful steps you can take. Attend union events, including our regular membership meetings, sign up to volunteer, become a member of the Active Ballot Club, be a voter and stay connected with your union. Remember, the union is YOU!
We are also on social media and happy to connect with our members on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
We host membership meetings quarterly in both Cleveland and Akron/Canton. Stay tuned for this year's schedule and locations! Membership meetings are a great opportunity to connect with union leadership and other members, get the latest updates on union news and learn more ways to get involved.
From advocating for higher wages to passing paid sick leave legislation – every dollar helps to ensure hardworking families see laws passed that will help them enjoy more economic stability.
It’s simple, you and your family deserve better. By contributing $1 per week to ABC, you’ll be joining a team that helps every UFCW Local 880 member enjoy a better life.
Please contact your Union Rep for more information on how you can contribute to ABC!
In addition to having active voter registration and education programs, we study all the candidates and proudly recommend those who will best represent worker interests once elected.
There are many ways to be active in your union and support UFCW Local 880. Sign up here to get updates about upcoming events and opportunities to volunteer to build UFCW power.
Reach out to our local UFCW Health and Welfare office directly today:
Tickets at Work offers exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more. Click “Become a Member” and enter the company code KIUFCW880 to create an account and start saving today.
We sure do! Your union membership can open many educational opportunities. Click here to learn about our scholarships, professional trainings, language learning opportunities and more.
Membership Matters is another way we give back to our members. Click here to enter to win monthly prizes like Cavs and Browns tickets, gift cards, shopping sprees and more!
Your UnionBenefits
Your union benefits don’t end with your contract! UFCW Local 880 is proud to offer our members a dedicated Health & Welfare department, education benefits, union discounts and more. And don’t forget to enter our Membership Matters sweepstakes to win monthly prizes like Cavs tickets, shopping sprees and more!