Making Work Better
Making Work Better
Building a Better Life Together.
UFCW Local 880 is an inclusive, member-driven union in Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania representing more than 20,000 hard working people.
Our members work in grocery stores, packing and processing facilities, retail stores, healthcare facilities and more. They work hard for a better life. Together, we win strong contracts and higher wages, reaffirm the dignity of workers and give them a voice on the job. We organize for better working conditions, stronger communities and a brighter future.

Who We Represent
WE ARE 880

We Make Work BetterTogether.
Union members’ compensation is 28% higher on average than those of non-union members, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
You work hard and deserve a paycheck that affirms your value, creates financial stability, supports your family and lets you plan for the future. With our union in Northeast Ohio, that’s possible.
When we work together, we can achieve higher wages. That means more money in your pocket to purchase a home, pay off student debts, save for retirement or start a family.
92% of union workers have health insurance, compared to just 68% of non-union workers.
In places like grocery stores, packing and processing, healthcare and retail facilities, where you’re constantly interacting with the public or working in a physically demanding environments, affordable healthcare isn’t just a luxury – it’s essential. With our union’s backing in Northeast Ohio, you’re not just a number. We push for healthcare plans that prioritize you.
Union members are more likely to have paid leave, allowing them to achieve a better balance between their work and personal life.
Your time outside work with family, pursuing hobbies or simply relaxing, is invaluable. Whether you’re working the aisles, behind the counter or in healthcare, we understand that achieving a harmonious work-life balance is crucial for mental and emotional well-being. By banding together, we strive for policies that respect and understand the importance of time away from work, allowing you to live a full, balanced life.
Union members often have more predictable and stable schedules.
In industries like retail, grocery and healthcare, inconsistent scheduling can be disruptive to your life. Your time is precious. Planning ahead, be it for family events, personal commitments or just some rest, is vital. In UFCW Local 880, we champion for fair and consistent schedules. This means fewer last-minute shifts and more control over your own time.
Unionized workplaces tend to have lower rates of injuries and illnesses compared to non-unionized workplaces.
Every worker deserves a safe environment where they can work without fear of injury or harm. With our union by your side, that right is upheld.
United together, we advocate for better training, stricter safety protocols and the necessary equipment that keeps you safe. This leads to a more secure workplace and peace of mind, knowing your well-being is a priority. Together, we strive for a workplace where you return home safely to your loved ones every day.
Unionized workers have access to fair grievance procedures, which can protect their job security.
Our union in Northeast Ohio, we’re about your present and your future. Job turnover can be high in sectors like grocery, packing and processing, healthcare and retail. Together, we fight against unjust terminations and ensure that your role isn’t just a job, but a stable and secure career. We stand with you, protecting your rights while creating confidence in your job’s longevity.

880 News and Updates
Our Union Stores and Facilities

Join Our Union Family
Are you ready to stand with your coworkers for higher wages, stronger benefits and better lives? Joining our union is simple. Connect with a UFCW Local 880 organizer today to start the conversation.
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